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The files here are not CC-licensed! Downloading for personal use is permitted. If you're interested in other uses, please contact me. Chances are good I'll approve, but I'd like to be kept in the loop.
Flag derived from abstract sketches.
Some portraits. There is a monochrome version of the first. I have also attempted to render Alison in monochrome, but this is incomplete.

A hexagonal tiling pattern.
Some different bitmap versions of the L10a140 link, with decorations.
Fun with perspective abuse, I guess. This building might look antagonist-y, but it's probably too close to the water for that sort of thing.
Flag inspired by graphene.
Flag derived from File:Sylvicola wing veins.svg, a file made by Giancarlo Dessì. Unlike other items on this page, it is CC BY-SA 3.0 licensed. Inspired by a request from @nihilsupernum.
Something that looks kind of like a stained-glass window.